Natural Language Processing (NLP)

What is “Natural Language Processing (NLP)“?

The term Natural language processing (NLP) refers to a computer program’s ability to understand and translate the human language. This component of artificial intelligence (AI) has been used in many fields, including healthcare, search engines, and business intelligence.

NLP allows machines to process human commands so that they could automatically put them into action. Some of the basic functions of NLP allow machines to perform includes translation, summarization, ticket classification, and spell-check. In the industry of customer experience, NLP is used to analyze interactions to detect urgent customer issues. Through this technology, companies can respond to customer concerns and monitor customer satisfaction.


How Does Natural Language Processing work?

NLP is designed to help computers in understanding natural language as humans do. AI enables machines to take real-world input, process it, and ultimately respond based on the action or command given to them.

Just as humans have different sensory receptions, like ears for hearing, eyes for seeing, computers utilize NLP to read programs and collect audios. With this function, computers can easily process the input and convert that code in a way they could understand.


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